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24 Years in Business

Thatch roofs, Lapa’s, Lodges, Houses, General Building works, Painting, Paving, Lightning Protection, Thatch and timber protection, Maintenance and COC Certification , Assessment Reports and Rational Designs.
• Depot: CCA Treated Poles, Thatching Laths, Thatching grass, Cape reed, Hardware, Fiberglass Ridge and Fire Extinguisher.

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Die Grashut provides the following services:

Die Grashut are thatching specialists and specialise in Game Lodges .


Engineering and Architectural Advice


Building Plans


Rational Designs


Assessment Reports


About Us

Die Grashut was established in January 1996, by Mrs. G.C. Oppermann Sole Proprietor, expanding rapidly through excellent quality and services. Die Grashut Depot; is suppliers of SABS CCA-Weather wood Treated timber, Highveld thatching grass, cape reed, garden products, timber applications and hardware.

Die Grashut Construction; offer services such as building of Lodges thatch roofs, lapas, general building, paving, lightning protection, Harvey thatch and timber fire protection systems.
All work done complies with the specifications of S.A.N.S and C.S.I.R guidelines.

Grashut also support the DIY market with much needed advice supplying all thatching material to build the old traditional lapa or entertainment area.

Die Grashut offer services and products of high standard and commit itself to the code of ethics as laid down by SATAS
We are thatch roof specialists if you need a new thatch roof or any maintenance to be done to a thatch roofs you can contact us

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